Monday, November 17, 2014


Do you know the girl that fell from a reign of popularity in all of the movies? Where her friends actually turned out to be just as mean and ruthless and unfriendly as everyone always said, but she refused to believe it? That's my life. Although, I don't consider myself popular. I was a friend of the so called "populars." But it seemed as if my friendship was only welcomed when I had something to offer. Because once I realized that I wanted out, and slowly drifted away, there was no one begging me to stay. No one texted or called. No one even asked in real life why I was constantly disappearing. It was like my decision to leave was the one that had been desired from the start. Maybe my company wasn't even worth it in the first place. I was just a girl to laugh with occasionally, one who was good at getting schoolwork done. Now instead of looking forward to school everyday, I dread it. It's torture. In the mornings, I find myself away from where I used to sit. In a locker room that no one ever enters, I sit and drink my hot chocolate each morning, trying to fix my mascara so there isn't black smudges surrounding my eyes and coating my cheeks. Its been a hard fall from my pedestal of always having plans and friends to hang out with. But not to my surprise, a new innocent has taken my place. A fresh, young face dying to become a higher rank of the high school social ladder. And, much to my surprise, it doesn't hurt as much to be friendless as it does to be friends with the people who make you feel terrible inside.

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